Saturday, April 9, 2011

Southern California Genealogical Society's Jamboree - Events for Societies

SCGS has sent out the following notice:

Dear Fellow Society Leaders:

We are fast approaching another successful Genealogy Jamboree, and we are looking forward to working with you to make it the best event ever. This email contains several ways for your genealogical, historical or family heritage society to participate in Jamboree at little or no cost.

Before we get into the meat of the email, we're asking you to help us spread the news. Please forward this to your society's members and others who may be interested. Thank you in advance for your help.

FREE Society Workshop Friday morning. Thanks to sponsorships provided by the Federation of Genealogical Societies and the California State Genealogical Alliance, we are pleased to offer the first-ever Society workshop during JamboFREE Friday morning. Three highly respected speakers will deliver these outstanding presentations:

George G. Morgan: "The Shape of the 21st Genealogical Society." Genealogical societies must adopt new strategies and modern technologies and adapt to today's trends, to attract new members, and to grow and expand. This session will describe and illustrate how modern societies have evolved and implemented new ideas to grow and succeed.

Cath Madden Trindle, CG: "But It's My Family! Copyright Issues for Genealogists." Whether writing or collecting a family history, editing a family or society newsletter, this session offers a discussion of current US copyright law, International copyright, pending legislation, fair use, court actions and ethical issues of copying and sharing genealogical information electronically or in print.

Jana Sloan Broglin, CG: "Program Program, Git Yer Program." Is your society striking out for ideas for meetings? Is attendance down in your "ballpark?" Are your lectures hitting home runs? Find out how to hit a home run at each meeting or seminar. Included are discussions are the details: contracts, advertising, equipment, room set-up, and "housing" of the speaker. A sample society-speaker contract will be included in the handout. Bring your ideas on finding great speakers who'll stay within your education budget.

The Society Workshop runs from 8:30am to 12noon and is limited to 200 attendees. Preregistration is requested.

Saturday Society Breakfast. Thomas MacEntee, publicity chair for the FGS Conference and Illinois Genealogical Society, will share his vast experience with social media tools such as blogs, Twitter and Facebook. New marketing techniques have taken on new power in the 21st century. Learn how to harness the power of these methods to market your genealogical society. In-person attendance is limited to 100, but we will also be offering the session as a FREE webinar. You'll miss the calories from the yummy breakfast, but that's all you'll miss. Reserve your webinar seat now at

Saturday Night Banquet. You may have heard about the fiery presentation that Curt Witcher gave at the recent RootsTech Conference in Salt Lake. That presentation made him one of the hottest speakers going, and we have him! Saturday night's banquet will feature Curt B. Witcher, MLS, FUGA, FIGS - "The High Tech and High Touch of 21st Century Genealogy" -- A look at how technology has changed the face of genealogy, and how we can use to do better research and make our societies more successful. Learn how these changes will affect the way that we will be researching in the future. This is one presentation that every genealogist and every society leader should see. The banquet is open to attendees as well as those who are not attending Jamboree. Preregistration is required.

Have an in-person presence at Jamboree for FREE. Issue: We know that no matter how much your society wants to have a table at Jamboree, it is sometimes difficult to pay the table fee and get volunteers to commit to staff the exhibit booth throughout the long Jamboree weekend. Solution: At Jamboree's new feature, Society Row, your society can have a 6' table in the Convention Center main foyer for one day at no cost. You can distribute literature, sign up new members, and, as long as you have a California sales tax permit, can even sell publications.

Jamboree will have four tables available June 10th, 11th, and 12th. A society can have one free table on their choice of days (Thurs., Fri. or Sat.) Electricity and internet costs are set by the Marriott and are not covered by this offer. Tables must be staffed throughout the day, according to these hours:

Friday: 12noon to 6pm (set up at 11am)
Saturday: 8am to 6pm (set up at 7am)
Sunday: 8am to 3pm (set up at 7am)

Society Row volunteers will not be required to purchase a registration to Jamboree unless they wish to attend class sessions. Societies must contact Leo Myers at to reserve a table. Tables will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

Make Jamboree a Group Event for Your Society

Have you thought about putting together a bus trip or group activity for your organization's members? We'll work with you to help organize the trip. If your society is at least 100 miles from Burbank, we'll give you one basic registration for free for every 10 people in your group. The San Diego Genealogical Society has organized such an event for the past few years. They take the Coastliner train to and from San Diego and they have a great time. If you're interested in putting together a group, contact us at and we'll help. Put "Group Tour" in the subject line.

Syllabus Advertising, Freebie Table and Door Prize Donation

We still have room for ads in our syllabus. Ads will appear in the printed copy in black and white; ads in the syllabus will appear in either color or black and white. Camera- ready art must be submitted to by April 20, 2011. Details on ad costs can be found here.

Our freebie table is a popular resource for our attendees as well as societies. Please send your brochures, membership materials and other information. We'll put it on our freebie table. Send materials to Jamboree Freebie Table, SCGS, 417 Irving Drive, Burbank, CA 91504. Material should arrive by June 1, 2011.

To receive mention in our syllabus and announcements during Jamboree, think about donating a membership for our door prize drawings.

Revised Schedule Available

The updated schedule is available online at our new Jamboree website, The summary of the schedule is posted on the web page, and you can click to download* each day's schedule, complete with session descriptions, geographic areas and records included in the presentation, and the experience level best suited for each class.

We are looking forward to welcoming your society to Jamboree. Let's succeed together!

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